Tag Archives | COVID


D.C.’s “Best Information Available” Charade

American Institute for Economic Research, February 19, 2022 D.C.’s “Best Information Available” Charade James Bovard On a sweltering June morning in 1993, I loitered in a long line of people stretched down a football-field length hallway on the third floor of the headquarters of the US Commerce Department. The queue started outside the entrance of […]

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Liberals’ Love Affair with Leviathan

Liberals’ Love Affair with Leviathan by James Bovard February 18, 2022 The election of Joe Biden as president magically transformed all federal agencies, ensuring that their iron fists no longer posed any peril to the American people. Or at least that seems to be what many Biden supporters, liberals, and Democrats now believe.Shutting down entire […]

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New York Post: Trudeau’s Iron Fist Flattens Canadian Freedom

New York Post, February 15, 2022 Justin Trudeau’s Canadian injustice is just a naked grab for power By James Bovard To save Canadian democracy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must first destroy it.  Since the start of the pandemic, Trudeau has acted like COVID entitled him to unlimited power in the name of public safety — […]

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My C-SPAN Interview and Transcript on Covid Pandemic Security Theater

Here’s the video of my interview this morning on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on the failure of Covid Pandemic Security Theater. Destroying freedom dismally failed to keep Americans safe. Politicians and bureaucrats need to be held responsible for the wreckage the federal, state, and local govts. inflicted over the past 2 years. Here’s the link – […]

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On C-SPAN Friday morning 8:45, Feb. 11, On Covid Policy

I will be on C-SPAN Washington Journal tomorrow morning from 8:45 to 9:15 a.m.  I will be discussing my USA Today articles on Covid policies with host Greta Brawner. Here is the C-SPAN link on the program.   I will post a link to the program after it is concluded and reposted on the web by […]

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New York Post: Distrust “Information” from the Biden Administration

New York Post, February 9, 2022 Why everyone should ‘doubt the information’ from Joe Biden’s government By James Bovard At a State Department briefing last week, Team Biden spokesman Ned Price chided an Associated Press reporter who wanted some evidence for his claims on Russia: “I’m sorry that you’re doubting the information that is in […]

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USA Today: Covid Hypocrisy Shows Crackdowns Must End

USA Today, February 6, 2022 From Canadian truckers to European protests, the world is fed up with COVID crackdowns After two years of prohibitions designed to placate fears rather than protect public health, can we compel our rulers to end COVID-19 restrictions? by James Bovard Opinion columnist If hypocrisy were a panacea, the COVID-19 virus […]

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