Tag Archives | COVID


My Hillsdale Speech on Covid Vax Mandate Madness

Hillsdale College posted the video of my speech from their Constitution Day Celebration last month bashing Biden’s Covid Vaccination Mandates.  As I state in the speech, Covid vaccinations can be a prudent choice for people in high-risk categories.  But using the federal iron fist to inject almost everyone is a travesty of the Constitution and […]

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Biden’s Declaration of War on the Un-Vaxxed

Biden’s speech today was wackier than I expected.  My 2 cents from Twitter – Biden's speech was practically a declaration of war on 80 million unvaxxed American adults. Did he make a ruinous miscalculation? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) September 9, 2021 Biden's declaration that his "patience is wearing thin" with 80 million Americans sounds like […]

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Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net

American Institute for Economic Research, August 26, 2021 Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net James Bovard Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown champions have perennially invoked “science and data” to sanctify any mandate politicians impose. Hard facts have recently shown that neither vaccines nor face masks provide surefire protection against the virus. […]

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Covid, Deep State, and January 6 on Mises Caucus Podcast MP3

Aaron Harris and I had a zesty 76 minute exchange on Covid developments, Deep State machinations, January 6 Capitol Clash updates, the perils that federal informants pose for libertarians, and other topics on the Mises Caucus Decentralized Revolution podcast (episode #60) Here is the Spotify link to the discussion: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1UvxXhfoto6Hw7il2ohjWX Here is the link to […]

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Will More Media Bias Save Democracy?

American Institute for Economic Research, July 31, 2021 Will More Media Bias Save Democracy? James Bovard The Washington Post’s media columnist is summoning saviors because “our democracy is under attack.” Margaret Sullivan wants Washington journalists to adopt a “pro-democracy” frame and “start being patriotic.”  Reporters should cease focusing on “winners and losers” in political skirmishes […]

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Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms by James Bovard Since the 1800s, surly Americans have derided politicians for spending tax dollars “like drunken sailors.” Until recently, that was considered a grave character fault. But Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act shows that inebriated spending is now the path to national salvation. It was a common […]

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