Tag Archives | Crime

Janet “Rent-a-Tank” Reno Dies

Former Attorney General Janet Reno died yesterday.  The Washington press corps made her a saint after she sent in the tanks against the Branch Davidians on April 19, 1993.    Her aura of sainthood continued for the rest of her career, regardless of the brazen scandals and abuses the Justice Department and FBI committed during her […]

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USA TODAY: “Hurricane HUD” & the Baltimore Riots

USA TODAY May 25, 2015 How Baltimore became Pottersville by James Bovard Trusting federal housing subsidies to help save the city is the ultimate triumph of hope over experience. Baltimore’s recent riots are not surprising in a city that has long been plagued by both police brutality and one of the nation’s highest murder rates […]

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More Madness from Psychiatrists

The director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Thomas R. Insel, tells the New York Times that the new Diagnostic Statistical Manual – the psychiatrists’ bible – is a crock. But we will still be endlessly taxed to pay for treatments that shrinks gin up as a result of the profusion of new […]

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My Reply in Wall Street Journal: EEOC Policy Lacks Honesty and Decency

EEOC chief legal policy advisor Peggy Mastroianni complained in her letter published by the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that my article on EEOC browbeating of businesses was “inflammatory.”  So I aspired for a more subdued tone in my reply to the EEOC, which the Journal published today. **** In her March 6 reply to my […]

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