Tag Archives | deceit


The Hill: In Washington, the Truth has Refugee Status

The Hill In Washington, the truth has refugee status By James Bovard, opinion contributor — 08/21/18 04:30 PM EDT 0 “Truth isn’t truth,” declared Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, on Meet the Press on Sunday. Giuliani’s comment — the weirdest absolution yet proffered for Trump — is the “Trump era’s epitaph,” according to a Washington Post columnist. But truth really […]

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Political Accounting Makes Paternalism a Mirage

The following essay is excerpted from Freedom in Chains (1999) and was also published in The Freeman in September 1999.  I tweaked a few sentences but have otherwise not corrected glaring flaws. * Many federal agents have zero curiosity about the impact of their actions on private citizens. Collateral damage voids no pensions. Political Accounting  […]

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Political Positive Thinking is a Slave’s Virtue

This quote is from Attention Deficit Democracy (Palgrave, 2006).  I trimmed it slightly from the book version: “In politics, ‘positive thinking’ is often a slave’s virtue, something people do to delude themselves about the burdens and chains being placed upon them.” The background & text layout thanks to Canva.com design software site. Here’s an earlier […]

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