Tag Archives | entrapment

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My Speech to Maryland Libertarian Party – Full Version

Here’s the full 39 minutes of my speech and Q and A to the Libertarian Party of Maryland convention on April 17. The audio tape includes the zesty question and answer period, at least until the police arrived and shut down the show.  I start by thanking Maryland libertarians for being stalwart on the killing […]

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Me and John Brennan: A Warning for Libertarians

Libertarians are in the federal crosshairs in the Biden era. In my Saturday speech to the Maryland Libertarian Party, I talked about the feds could be targeting libertarians for surveillance and entrapment in the coming years.  Former CIA chief John Brennan said in January that federal intelligence agencies  “are moving in laser-like fashion to try […]

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MP3 Thumping FBI Rascality on Philly Radio with Rich Zeoli

Philly WPHT talk show host Rich Zeoli had me on his show this morn to talk about FBI rascality and the perils of chatting with G-men who show up on your doorstep.  Interview was spurred by my American Conservative piece on Saturday, “Will FBI ‘Chats’ Send Conservatives to Prison?”  We talked about the landmark Supreme […]

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Two Types of Terror in Michigan

American Institute for Economic Research, October 9, 2020 Two Types of Terror in Michigan James Bovard  #StopTrumpsTerror is one of the hottest trending topics on Twitter, with more than 90,000 tweets. Yesterday, the FBI announced the arrest of six people yesterday in a plot (perhaps government-hatched) to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and put her […]

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My Convict Road Gang Summer

Libertarian Institute My Convict Road Gang Summer by Jim Bovard | Feb 17, 2020 I may have been a rube, but I knew enough not to startle the gargantuan glowering prison guard with that double-barreled shotgun propped on his beer belly. As a sixteen-year-old toiling in the hot sun in 1973 alongside convicts on a […]

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Ruby Ridge, the FBI, and Louis Freeh – My 1995 Cover Story

Here is my all-time favorite magazine cover story – my 1995 tribute to FBI boss Louis Freeh.  This story came out five months after Freeh publicly denounced me in a letter to the Wall Street Journal. Freeh was outraged over a piece I did on the FBI’s killing at Ruby Ridge.  One of Randy Weaver’s […]

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