Tag Archives | Eric Holder


N.Y. Post: Fauci’s FOIA Follies Show Faux Transparency in DC

New York Post, May 29, 2024 Fauci’s FOIA follies show ‘transparency’ in Washington has always been a fraud by James Bovard Republican congressional investigators are exposing brazen COVID cover-ups by the National Institutes for Health and top aides to Anthony Fauci. Bureaucrats have dodged complying with the Freedom of Information Act — a law meant […]

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Screenshot 2022-07-29 at 08-38-38 Why a Member of the Justice Department Contact a Newspaper Editor to Complain About James Bovard

Feds Tried to Suppress My USA Today Articles – FFF Podcast

Lots of laughs as I joined Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling to talk about the Justice Department trying to squelch my articles at USA TODAY Opinion in the The Future of Freedom Foundation podcast. We also whupped up on the non-recession recession and a heap of other BS out of Washington. In his lead-in, Jacob […]

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Washington Times on Justice Dept. Effort to Suppress My USA Today Articles

washingtontimes.com  July 7, 2022 Records reveal Obama administration’s secret campaign to silence opinion writer By Ryan Lovelace Newly revealed Justice Department records show the Obama administration’s hidden censorship tactics to silence writer Jim Bovard’s criticism of then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. A top Justice Department official sought to intimidate USA Today into no longer […]

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Fireball at Waco after FBI Assault, April 19, 1993

Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash

The Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash by James Bovard March 19, 2021 The easiest way to achieve sainthood in Washington is to cover up a federal atrocity. Thus, it is no surprise that former senator John Danforth continues to be treated by the Washington Post as a visionary statesman. The Post showcased Danforth’s attack on […]

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Will FBI ‘Chats’ Send Conservatives to Prison?

American Conservative, March 13, 2021 Will FBI ‘Chats’ Send Conservatives to Prison? by James Bovard With no requirements to record interviews, and the potential to prosecute based on false statements, the FBI has a terrifying amount of power over citizens. Across the nation, FBI agents are swooping down upon conservative activists, Trump supporters, and anyone […]

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Collective Guilt and the New Witch Hunt

American Conservative, January 15, 2021 Collective Guilt and the New Witch Hunt Hatred is at an all-time high in Washington. Will Congress step in to become the arbiters of truth? by  James Bovard “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” was the question used in congressional hearings in […]

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End Police Tyranny by Repealing Laws

Future of Freedom Foundation, January 11, 2021 End Police Tyranny by Repealing Laws by James Bovard “I can’t breathe,” George Floyd protested as a Minneapolis cop pressed his knee onto Floyd’s neck for eight minutes while Floyd was lying face down. Floyd’s killing sparked violent protests, looting, and arson attacks in Minneapolis and St. Paul. […]

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