The American Conservative posted online today my review of Jim Antle’s zippety new book, Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped?. Antle recognizes the peril of Leviathan and is fairly optimistic on what Republicans can become and achieve. Here are a few of my lines from the review – which is posted in its […]
Tag Archives | farm subsidy
Wash. Times: Will Supreme Court End USDA Dictatorship?
Washington Times, May 13, 2003 BOVARD: Dancing to the beat of the grapevine The raisin famers seek servitude liberation Does the secretary of agriculture need unlimited power over farmers to protect them against themselves? The Supreme Court might finally settle this issue in an imminent decision on one of USDA’s most bizarre regimes. When […]

Wall Street Journal Publishes Food for Peace Retort
Responding to my piece last week – in tomorrow’s Letters to the Editor in the Wall Street Journal – Food for Peace is an international aid program that has been successful domestically and abroad since its inception in 1954 (“How ‘Food for Peace’ Hurts Foreign Farmers” by James Bovard, op-ed, April 30). It has fed the […]
On Scott Horton Radio Show at 1 PM on WSJ Food Aid
I’ll be on the Scott Horton radio show at 1 pm Eastern to discuss today’s Wall Street Journal piece on the failure of food aid. You can listen live at Scott usually gets the MP3 of interviews up within a day or so; I will post a link when that becomes available.

My WSJ piece: “Food for Peace” Hurts Foreign Farmers
Wall Street Journal April 30, 2013 [alternative WSJ link – not blocked by paywall] How ‘Food for Peace’ Hurts Foreign Farmers For a half-century the program has done more to feed special interests than help the hungry. By JAMES BOVARD The United States government is the world’s largest food donor but its aid consistently wreaks havoc abroad. […]