Tag Archives | Foundation for Economic Education


My Video Flashback to Walking the Railroad in 2003

My New York Post piece today talked about how the town of Irvington, New York was shut down on Thursday for a Biden’s fundraising visit. That reminded me of how my 2003 trip to Irvington to give a speech turned into a long walk along the Metro North railroad line. Hopefully this is good for […]

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9/11 and My Pariah Decade

Mises Institute, September 6, 2021 Remember When Conservatives “Canceled” Anyone against the War on Terror? I Do. by James Bovard Life in American changed twenty years ago after the 9/11 attacks. Many Americans became enraged at anyone who did not swear allegiance to President George W. Bush’s antiterrorism crusade. Anyone who denied “they hate us […]

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Photos from Rowdy Speech at Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 2007

Here are some photos from a raucous speech I gave in 2007 at the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington, New York. Pro-torture attendees were outraged at my bashing of Bush administration atrocities.  At the end of the rambunctious question-and-answer period, FEE president Richard Ebeling eloquently explained why torture was not a libertarian value.   […]

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Torture and Liberty (2008)

A decade ago, many Washington politicians and pundits pretended that torture was no peril to liberty. The Bush administration championed “enhanced interrogation” as a key to preserving public safety, and its apologists scoffed at anyone who objected to “getting tough” with suspected bad guys. When I gave a speech at the Foundation for Economic Education […]

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Forty Years Ago: My First Article in The Freeman

Forty years ago, my first article in a national publication appeared in the Freeman. This was also the first piece of mine which paid something other than free copies of the periodical. Actually, the five cents a word pay rate was more than enough to cover a month’s rent. The Freeman, published by the Foundation […]

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