Tag Archives | fraud

FFF: The Mandatory Voting Panacea

from the July 2015 issue of The Future of Freedom The Mandatory Voting Panacea by James Bovard Barack Obama suggested on March 18, 2015, that mandatory voting could cure some of the ills of American democracy. He said that compelling everyone to vote would “encourage more participation” — perhaps the same way that the specter […]

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USA TODAY: Washington’s Latest Hunger Charade

USA TODAY, September 9, 2015 Washington’s latest hunger charade by James Bovard  USDA plays games with definitions to create fraudulent scare. ‘Food insecure’ is the new hungry. The Agriculture Department announced this morning that 48 million Americans lived in “food insecure” households in 2014.” Soon you’ll hear we’re suffering an epidemic of hunger. While the federal government […]

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FFF: Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy

from the Future of Freedom Foundation – Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy by James Bovard Last summer, Attorney General Eric Holder solemnly declared, “The name ought to be changed. It’s an offensive name.” Holder observed that despite the organization’s “storied history,” it could “increase their fan base” by changing their name — “if they did something […]

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MP3 of TSA Bashing Podcast with Tom Woods

Bestselling author Tom Woods and I had fun shellacking the Transportation Security Administration in a podcast he posted online today.  Tom does some of the best and most thought-provoking podcasts on the Internet and I appreciated him having me on his show. The interview was spurred by a piece I did for USA Today after […]

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National Endowment for Democracy’s Shameless Vote Racketeering

Allen Weinstein, the first chief of the National Endowment for Democracy, died yesterday. The logo to the left illustrates some of the anti-government protest movements that the Endowment helped bankroll (courtesy of the Voltaire Network).  But helping topple foreign regimes that refused to kowtow to Washington has done little to advance self-government around the world.  Ron […]

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Mises Inst.: The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train

The Mises Institute’s “The Austrian” Newsletter The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train by James Bovard Intellectuals have long been glorified as champions of truth and defenders of society’s highest values. But in Washington, they serve as Leviathan‘s Praetorian Guard. Intellectuals are thriving in DC thanks in large part to the ruinous policy advice they proffer. The […]

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