Tag Archives | fraud


U.VA. Gang Rape Story Collapses

Rolling Stone magazine issued a statement today: “In the face of new information, there now appear to be discrepancies in Jackie’s account, and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced.”   So we are supposed to think the magazine was a victim? What a crock. “New information” such as […]

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Wash. Times: The ObamaCare Deception of “Stupid” Americans

Washington Times, November 13, 2014 The Obamacare deception of ‘stupid’ Americans By James Bovard How the liberal elites rely on lies to pass their paternalistic agenda Paternalism is a desperate gamble that lying politicians will honestly care for those who fall under their power. This axiom has been made stark with the controversy arising from […]

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Election Epigrams for Democracy’s Big Day

  America is now an Attention Deficit Democracy where citizens’ ignorance and apathy allow politicians to do they please. The worst violation of voting rights occurs when election winners trample the law and the Constitution. Trumpeting the importance of voting deludes people into thinking that they have a leash on the government. Ballot Buffoonery: Modern […]

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Elections as Execution Day for Rights & Liberties

  President Obama and a heap of other politicians are imploring us to view voting as the ultimate expression of our freedom and self-government. The reality is that the vast majority of politicians will do as they damn well please after Election Day. Edward Snowden’s revelations should have been a battering ram to use against […]

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Obama’s ISIS / Syrian War Operation Heap of Crap

Obama’s anti-ISIS /Syria war is officially named Operation Inherent Resolve. I suppose the name “Operation Heap of Crap” was already taken? Below are a couple photos of the U.S.-led bombing of the Syrian city of Kobane.  Luckily, the Obama administration is doing pinpoint bombing so that only extremists are being killed.  

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Afghan Election Thief Promises to be Accountable

The Washington Post has a positive-thinking headline today: “Afghanistan’s new president: ‘Hold me accountable.’” A more honest headline would have been:  “Afghan Election Thief says ‘Hold Me Accountable’ – the latest Obama democracy sham success story” Ashraf Ghani took the oath of office after the U.S. government helped finagle a power-sharing deal between Ghani and allegedly second […]

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Cartoon Obliterates Obama’s War on ISIS Fantasy

Obama’s “war” against ISIS has as much chance of succeeding as he has of finding unicorns to join his anti-ISIS “coalition.” Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles beautifully captures the absurd premise underlying Obama’s latest war.   Perhaps most of the members of the House of Representatives who voted to support the “war” yesterday are simply clueless about the […]

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