New York Post, December 13, 2022 Twitter Files reveal how federal censors made mail-in ballots sacred — boosting Biden By James Bovard Elon Musk’s Twitter Truth Squad is exposing the FBI’s role in suppressing free speech before the 2020 election. But the FBI was practically a bit player in a far greater federal conspiracy to […]
Tag Archives | fraud

Biden, Our Boneheaded Chip Czar
Libertarian Institute, November 2, 2022 Biden, Our Boneheaded Chip Czar by Jim Bovard Jubilation erupted in Washington this summer as politicians lurched towards commandeering a key swath of the American economy. Congress passed Biden-backed legislation known as the Chip Act to spend $52 billion subsidizing semiconductor production. A Washington Post headline hailed “a big month […]

Bashing Covid Fraud & Lockdowns on Chicago Morning Answer Radio
I was on the Chicago Morning Answer AM560 Radio Show this morn with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, smacking around the Covid fraud stampede. The interview was spurred by my New York Post piece earlier this week. Amy Jacboson asked: Is there any chance that we will get any of the $600 billion stolen back?” […]

Thrashing Know-Nothing Politicians with Shaun Thompson on Chicago Radio
Shaun Thompson and I had a rollicking chat today on Chicago’s The Answer AM 560, thrashing politicians across the board. No prisoners were taken. Shaun mentioned that politicians don’t bother reading the thick legislative bills they enact. I quoted Milton Berle’s great line – “You can send a man to Congress but you can’t make […]

New York Post: How $600 billion was stolen from the American people
New York Post, October 3, 2022 How $600 billion was stolen from the American people By James Bovard “COVID fraud” is at this point a redundant phrase. Congress appropriated more than $5 trillion for COVID relief but almost $600 billion may have been lost to fraud — an astounding 12%. Washington’s pandemic pratfalls are the […]

Biden, Boondoggles, & Mid-Term Election Hokum with Brian Wilson Podcast
Talk Show Legend Brian Wilson and I had fun on his podcast thrashing Biden, boondoggles, and plenty of other political targets. We discussed the lingering controversies over the 2020 presidential election and the prospects for the upcoming mid-term elections. Lots of laughs, mostly at politicians’ expense. Brian has been a friend for almost 30 years […]

Inside the World Bank (1989)
Inside the World Bank What they’re doing with your money is a crime James Bovard | From the April 1989 issue of Reason magazine [excerpted by Reader’s Digest] Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on RedditShare by emailPrint friendly versionCopy page URL Last year Congress voted a $14-billion increase in World Bank funding from the United […]