Tag Archives | fraud


Fair Trade Is Still a Fraud

American Institute for Economic Research, October 20, 2021 Fair Trade Is Still a Fraud James Bovard The Biden administration is embracing the same flawed “fair trade” mantra that previous administrations used to sanctify protectionist policies. Biden’s team has “largely dispensed with the idea of free trade as a goal in and of itself,” the New […]

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Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion

Libertarian Institute, August 27, 2021 Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion by James Bovard Americans finally recognize the military lies that pervaded the success claims of the 20-year war in Afghanistan.  But democracy promotion was an even bigger sham. Afghanistan was Exhibit A for the triumphal crusade to spread freedom and democracy. After the […]

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Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic

American Institute for Economic Research, August 13, 2021 Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic James Bovard Fifty years ago, on August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that the U.S. government would cease honoring its pledge to pay gold to redeem the dollars held by foreign central banks. Nixon declared he was taking “action […]

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Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms by James Bovard Since the 1800s, surly Americans have derided politicians for spending tax dollars “like drunken sailors.” Until recently, that was considered a grave character fault. But Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act shows that inebriated spending is now the path to national salvation. It was a common […]

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The “Honest History” Fraud

The “Honest History” Fraud James Bovard – July 20, 2021 American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten recently proclaimed that her union members have a right to teach “honest history” in government classrooms. But putting politicians, bureaucrats, and union zealots in charge of a curriculum is the worst recipe for candor. Rather than truth, the […]

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Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom?

American Institute for Economic Research, June 7, 2021 Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom? James Bovard Denouncing corruption is the easiest way for rascally politicians to appear honest. Upholding a venerable Washington Kabuki tradition, President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he was “issuing” a memo to “establish combatting corruption as a core U.S. […]

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fdr gold poster

FDR’s Great Gold Robbery

Today is the anniversary of one of President Franklin Roosevelt’s worst infamies – his confiscation of privately-owned gold.  I wrote the following article in 1999 for Sheldon Richman at the Foundation for Economic Education. This article was a spinoff of Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen (St. […]

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