Tag Archives | fraud


MP3 – Obama’s Forgotten Frauds on the Scott Horton Show

My old friend Scott Horton and I had fun recapping Obama’s forgotten frauds and crimes on Scott’s radio show at the Libertarian Institute..  Trump’s shenanigans are reviving Obama’s reputation but don’t fall for the media bait-and-switch. I appreciate how Scott always brings out my positive thinking on our political establishment.   The 27 minute interview wraps […]

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Volunteers take the AmeriCorps pledge during an event to honor the 20th anniversary of the AmeriCorps national service program, on the South Lawn of the White House, Sept. 12, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

AmeriCorps Boondoggle King Harris Wofford’s Toxic Legacy

American Conservative, January 30, 2019 Remembering an AmeriCorps Boondoggle Boss Harris Wofford’s legacy: expensive, government-directed “service” for silly politically approved causes. By James Bovard Harris Wofford, a former U.S. senator and long-time Democratic political operative who ran AmeriCorps from 1995 to 2001, died last week at the age of 92. The New York Times hailed Wofford […]

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Forgotten FBI Anti-Terrorism Entrapment Debacles

The owner of the limousine company that killed 20 people in New York last weekend was an FBI informant who helped carry out two big entrapment operations against Muslims after 9/11. Prior to being recruited by the FBI, he was caught helping people cheat on DMV tests.  Before that, he was arrested for murder in […]

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jpb fff afghan child molesters fff photo

FFF: Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child Molesters

Future of Freedom Foundation Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child-Molesters by James Bovard Donald Trump was hailed by the media last August when he announced he was sending more U.S. troops to fight in Afghanistan. A Washington Post editorial praised his “principled realism” and saluted “a rare but welcome story of self-correction” (since Trump had […]

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FFF: How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 3

Future of Freedom Foundation How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 3 by James Bovard June 30, 2017 Barack Obama took office in 2009 amidst the worst recession since the early 1980s. He had more faith in government spending than any White House occupant since Franklin Roosevelt. He speedily pushed through a stimulus bill through Congress […]

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FFF: Obama’s Fraudulent War on Corruption

Future of Freedom Foundation The Fraudulent Obama War on Corruption by James Bovard December 15, 2016 The Obama administration wants Americans to believe that it is fiercely anti-corruption. “I have been shocked by the degree to which I find corruption pandemic in the world today,” declared Secretary of State John Kerry at an Anti-Corruption Summit […]

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Wash. Times: 20 Years of Dictatorial Democracy?

Washington Times, November 3, 2016 TWENTY YEARS OF DICTATORIAL DEMOCRACY? by James Bovard The 2016 election campaign is mortifying millions of Americans in part because the presidency has become far more dangerous in recent times. Since 9/11, we have lived in a perpetual emergency which supposedly justifies routinely ignoring the law and Constitution. And both […]

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