Tag Archives | Freedom


Brian Wilson’s Libertas Project’s Lively Launch!

Talk show legend Brian Wilson has begun his podcast series of interviews with freedom activists as part of his Libertas Project.   His first interview is now online, featuring Lew Rockwell, the founder of the Mises Institute.  Brian is one of the best interviewers in the biz – he looked at the feet of Jack Paar, […]

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Friends of Police Object to Article on Shootings by Police

To my dismay, not everyone agreed with yesterday’s article in the Washington Times.  The Times printed a letter today by a policeman who believed that lawmen deserve special privileges after they shoot citizens: I was really disappointed after reading “Let’s start by controlling police gun violence” by Jim Bovard (Commentary, Monday). Apparently Mr. Bovard’s qualifications […]

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FBI: “A Stasi for America”

Following is a review essay I wrote for the American Conservative – A Stasi for America By James Bovard A ripple of protest swept across the Internet in late March after the disclosure that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was teaching its agents that “the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law […]

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Franklin Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Fraud

From the February issue of the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily – Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Fraud by James Bovard President Obama has succeeded in seizing new power over health care and other swaths of American lives in part because previous presidents muddied Americans’ understanding of freedom. Most of the past century’s debates over the […]

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Misdefining Liberty

from the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily (January 2011 issue) MISDEFINING LIBERTY by James Bovard The definitions of liberty devised in ivory towers and elsewhere have a profound impact on political and judicial thinking. Regardless of how wrongheaded some concepts of liberty prevalent early last century may now appear, America’s legal structure is now […]

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Defining Coercion Down

from the Future of Freedom Foundation, posted online today… Freedom Daily December 2010 DEFINING COERCION DOWN by James Bovard Coercion is the essence of government in the same way that profit is the essence of private businesses. The state can impose new prohibitions and restrictions, create new penalties, or impose taxes in order to finance […]

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Obama Advisor Sunstein’s Peril to Freedom

from the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily (November 2010) Obama Advisor Sunstein’s Peril to Freedom by James Bovard Cass Sunstein is the chief of the Obama administration’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. As Salon’s Glenn Greenwald noted earlier this year, Sunstein “has long been one of Barack Obama’s closest confidants.” His values are […]

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