Germans instinctively understand the danger of government surveillance far better than do many Americans. (Or at least far better than Obama apologists.) This photograph is from a recent anti-Obama rally in Hanover – one of my favorite German cities. The “V for Vendetta” mask is especially appropriate.
Tag Archives | germany

Beer Sampling in Northern Germany 1986
To be honest, I don’t recall if this photo was taken before or after the beer that day. I do recall that I put a dent in the supplies of the Holsten brewery on the banks of the Elbe River. This is one of the dozen or so photos included in Public Policy Hooligan.
New Book on Post-World War Two Brutal Expulsions of Germans
Yale University Press will soon be releasing Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans After the Second World War. The author, R. M. Douglas, had an excerpt essay in last week’s Chronicles of Higher Education that is stunning: Between 1945 and 1950, Europe witnessed the largest episode of forced migration, and perhaps the single […]