Tag Archives | gun control


Will Trump Learn from Bump Stock Battering?

Will Trump Learn from Bump Stock Battering? by James Bovard, June 18, 2024 The Supreme Court last Friday struck down one of the most controversial gun control edicts in recent years. The ruling on bump stocks is being widely hailed as a victory for an expansive reading of the Second Amendment. But it is also […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 19-24-58 James Bovard The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained

Talking Last Rights on the Geopolitics & Empire Podcast

Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Morić  for inviting me on to his excellent podcast, Geopolitics and Empire. We had a rattling good chat, smacking around politicians, bureaucrats, and plenty other rascals.  Here is his summary of the show: James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become […]

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The Wreckers of New York and their Bitter Rivalry

American Institute for Economic Research, March 2, 2021 The Wreckers of New York and their Bitter Rivalry James Bovard What happens when two masters of political illusion seek to dominate the same turf? New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have prospered by championing disastrous policies that once assured […]

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Sovereignty Still Rests with the People, Not Congress

American Institute for Economic Research, February 12, 2021 Sovereignty Still Rests with the People, Not Congress James Bovard Politicians lustfully rejoicing at their own power is the ultimate “dog bites man” story that goes unremarked in Washington. The Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump included one such vivid vignette, an ominous warning that Congress recognizes […]

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jpb photo mass anti spying demonstration DSC_0867

The REAL I.D. Act Ravages Our Liberty

fff.org The REAL ID Act Ravages Our Liberty by James Bovard July 20, 2020 National ID cards have been atop the command-and-control political wish list for decades. In the 1990s, Republican Congresses shot down efforts to move toward national identification cards. However, after 9/11, “everything changed” and politicians seized the chance to unleash far more […]

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lppa 2020 invite

MP3 Speech at Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Conference

On Saturday, I gave a talk at the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party state convention.  There were so many great folks there and it was a pleasure to speak to a savvy, friendly audience.  Richard Schwarz did a pitch-perfect introduction that set the tone for the talk.  It’s hard not to like a guy who is always […]

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