American Institute for Economic Research, March 29, 2021 Political Economy vs. Federal Fairy Tales by James Bovard “Build Back Better” is the motto for President Biden’s ambitious plans to remake much of the American economy and society. On Wednesday in Pittsburgh, Biden will reveal his plans for trillions of dollars of new spending for infrastructure […]
Tag Archives | haiti
The Battle in Seattle 20 Years Ago: Clinton’s Protectionist Legacy
Reasonable folks are naturally appalled at the trade rhetoric and trade wars coming out of the Trump White House. Trump is sometimes portrayed as a shocking deviation from U.S. government support for free trade. In reality, Bill Clinton’s trade policies shared many of the same protectionist follies. Clinton’s showboating and legacy lust paved the way […]
USA TODAY: End Democracy Promotion Balderdash
USA Today, August 10, 2017 Hey, guess what? Donald Trump has a good foreign policy idea by James Bovard Let’s get our own house in order before we start imposing democracy on others. The Trump administration’s foreign policy often resembles a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party or a loose cannon on a ship deck. But every […]
CP: Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible
COUNTERPUNCH, March 29, 2017 Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible by James Bovard The history of federal peanut policy illustrates why Congress could never competently manage a lemonade stand. The feds sabotage farmer productivity, screw consumers, and sow chaos around the world – all for campaign contributions. Federal spending for peanut subsidies has increased eightfold since […]
FFF: The Great Goober Train Wreck
Future of Freedom Foundation The Great Goober Train Wreck of 2016 by James Bovard The history of federal peanut policy is the perfect antidote to anyone who still believes that Congress could competently manage a lemonade stand. Federal spending for peanut subsidies will have risen eightfold between last year and next year — reaching almost […]
Wash. Times: Politicians & Peanut Pilfering
Washington Times, August 26, 2016 Politicians and Peanut Pilfering by James Bovard The peanut program is typical of the train wreck of farm subsidies The history of federal peanut policy is the perfect antidote to anyone who still believes that Congress could competently manage a lemonade stand. Federal spending for peanut subsidies will rise eight-fold […]
Wall Street Journal: Our Shameful Peanut Subsidy Hammers Haiti
Wall Street Journal, May 26, 2016 A Subsidy as Shameful as They Come By James Bovard The U.S. has paid for a million pounds of peanuts it can’t use. Solution: Dump them on Haiti—causing a disaster for its farmers. The Obama administration’s plan to dump a million pounds of surplus peanuts into Haiti at no […]