Tag Archives | Homeland Security


N.Y. Post: Attacking ‘Don’t tread on me’ is latest dunderhead progressive assault on American history

New York Post, August 31, 2023 Attacking ‘Don’t tread on me’ is latest dunderhead progressive assault on American history by James Bovard Twelve-year old Jaiden was kicked out of a public-school classroom Monday in Colorado Springs after school officials decreed that the Gadsden flag patch on his backpack was “disruptive to the classroom environment.” Those […]

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Biden’s Crazy COVID Nose Bleed Police

Biden’s Crazy COVID Nose Bleed Police by Jim Bovard | Aug 7, 2023 Breaking News: Biden White House discovers a “nose bleed” exemption to the First Amendment! A top Biden White House staffer elbowed Facebook to intervene in private conversations anytime someone mentioned COVID vaccine side effects such as nose bleeds. House Judiciary Committee chairman […]

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Biden’s Army of Snitches and “Dollars for Collars”

American Conservative, May 10, 2021 Biden Plans Expansion of Feds’ Army of Snitches in ‘Dollars for Collars’ Program by  James Bovard The Biden administration may soon recruit an army of private snoops to conduct surveillance that would be illegal if done by federal agents. As part of its war on extremism, the Department of Homeland […]

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The REAL I.D. Act Ravages Our Liberty

fff.org The REAL ID Act Ravages Our Liberty by James Bovard July 20, 2020 National ID cards have been atop the command-and-control political wish list for decades. In the 1990s, Republican Congresses shot down efforts to move toward national identification cards. However, after 9/11, “everything changed” and politicians seized the chance to unleash far more […]

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MP3 REAL I.D. Rampage – Scott Horton Show Interview

My old friend Scott Horton interviewed me on my article on how the REAL I.D. Act is sowing chaos around the nation.  Here’s the summary from Scott’s website: Jim Bovard talks about the federal pressure for states to comply with their “REAL ID” laws, which place higher standards on proving one’s identity and may require […]

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Needed: #MeToo for Political Consent

Mises Institute, November 1, 2018 We Need a #MeToo Movement for Political Consent by James Bovard The #MeToo movement is spurring millions of Americans to reconsider the meaning of consent in sexual relations. But there is another realm where far too much has been presumed because of often token gestures. Political consent is defined radically […]

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