Tag Archives | Iraq

The Media as Enablers of Government Lies

Posted online today… The Media as Enablers of Government Lies Freedom Daily August 2009 by James Bovard Why do politicians so easily get away with telling lies? In large part, because the news media are more interested in bonding with politicians than in exposing them. Americans are encouraged to believe that the media will serve […]

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Civility, 2007-Style: Hanging George Bush

Some people who are outraged by anti-Obama placards have forgotten that, only a few years ago, many people were condemning George Bush in terms as harsh or harsher. Here is a picture I took at an antiwar rally in Washington in January 2007. The sign – “What’s good for the goose….. gandar” – refers to […]

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Palin Revives Bush’s Most Lethal Lie

In a speech yesterday to U.S. troops departing for Iraq, Alaska Governor and GOP VP nominee Sarah Palin declared that the soldiers would “defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans.”  Even George W. Bush finally admitted that this justification for attacking Iraq […]

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Bush Earned Impeachment Five Years Ago Today

In a memo sent to Congress five years ago today, Bush decreed that he was attacking Iraq “to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.” The Bush administration linked Saddam to 9/11 to […]

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Ron Paul’s Missed Chance Against McCain?

John McCain survived the New Hampshire primary thanks to receiving the support of the bulk of Republicans opposed to the Iraq war</a>.  McCain also did much better with the antiwar voters than other GOP candidates in the crucial Florida primary. Ron Paul, who announced he was dropping out of the race last night, never made his […]

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Discussing Ron Paul Etc. Thursday Morning – LISTEN LIVE

I will be on the Charles Goyette radio show 8:35 AM Eastern time Thursday (1/31) discussing the Ron Paul campaign and other developments in the presdiential race. Charles is one of the best libertarian hosts in the country; his political courage and humor have helped make him the most popular talk show host in Phoenix.  He is on the […]

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AntiWar Issue in FLA Primary???

Are any of the candidates in tomorrow’s presidential primaries in Florida running advertisements criticizing the Iraq war?  Are any of the candidates making opposition to the Iraq war their premier issue? Is the antiwar issue being raised in the media or in Q & A with candidates? Has anybody seen polls on which candidates are […]

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