Tag Archives | Iraq

The War Issue in the Michigan Primary?

Unfortunately, I don’t live in Michigan [!] – but I’m curious on the big vote on Tuesda –   How are the presidential candidates playing the Iraq war issue in the Michigan primary? Are any candidates running radio or TV ads explicitly opposing or supporting the war? If so, are the ads on the war resonating? Does the […]

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Excellent Report on US Military’s Civilian Carnage in Iraq

Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian have an excellent report in the new issue of Nation from interviews with 50 U.S. veterans on the carnage inflicted in Iraq. Hedges, Al-Arian, and Nation deserve great credit for this report. If the New York Times or the Washington Post had half as much gumption on this issue, Americans […]

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Happy “Mission Accomplished” Anniversary

Today (May 1) is the fourth anniversary of one of the most dishonest propaganda speeches in modern American history. President Bush did his flight suit strut on the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished.” Bush proclaimed, “With new tactics and precision weapons, we can achieve military objectives […]

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Great Recap of Media Debacles etc. on Iraq War

The folks at Fairness and Accuracy in Media (FAIR) have a superb timeline of media duplicity, cravenness, and occasional truth before and during the war with Iraq. [FAIR does some excellent analyses, even if they did scowl at my work in 1991.   They tagged me “the media’s favorite opponent of national agricultural programs” and complained,   “Bovard achieved […]

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