Tag Archives | Iraq

USA TODAY: End Democracy Promotion Balderdash

USA Today, August 10, 2017 Hey, guess what? Donald Trump has a good foreign policy idea by James Bovard Let’s get our own house in order before we start imposing democracy on others. The Trump administration’s foreign policy often resembles a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party or a loose cannon on a ship deck. But every […]

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USA Today: Moral High Ground Not Won on Battlefield (2002)

FYI – reposted for folks who believe that the Bush administration had the moral high ground on its attack on Iraq.  Same arguments continue to apply to advocates who want the United States to continue intervening in Syria, Afghanistan, etc. in the name of liberty… USA TODAY,  October 8, 2002. Moral high ground not won […]

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Wash. Times: Clinton’s Forgotten Foreign Aid Fiascos

 washingtontimes.com Hillary Clinton’s forgotten foreign aid fiascos by James Bovard Hillary Clinton is the most qualified presidential candidate in history, according to President Obama. Much of her managerial experience stems from her four years as secretary of State. The biggest program she oversaw there was foreign aid, which spent roughly $50 billion a year between […]

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USA TODAY: Leave More Empty Seats for Obama Victims

USA TODAY, January 12, 2016 First Lady’s box should be empty at State of the Union speech by James Bovard Saving seats for the dead would require a lot more room for victims of Obama’s policies. The White House announced that there will be a seat left vacant in the gallery during Obama’s State of […]

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Obama’s Anti-Gun Rights Terrorism Spiel

  pre-speech tweet: So will Obama explain tonight how banning semi-automatic firearms will reduce global warming? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 7, 2015 post-speech: I am bummed that Obama did not tie 30-round ammo clips to the melting of Greenland's glaciers. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 7, 2015 WPost headline: "Obama seeks to ease terror […]

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Assassin Nation Redux

Congratulations to Jeremy Scahill and The Intercept for “The Assassination Complex” – their great expose on Obama’s drone killing program.  They provide smoking guns from official sources to prove that the program has been slaughtering innocents for years. I have taken a few swings at this program over the years.  After I bashed drone killings in […]

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MP3 – Govt. Lies, Wars, & 9/11 with Denver’s Peter Boyles

Denver KNUS host Peter Boyles and I had another rattlin’ good chat today about the continuing cover-up of 9/11. (The interview was spurred by this piece I wrote for USA Today on the continuing coverup of a 2002 congressional report.) Boyles has made himself an expert on the details of the Saudi involvement and is doing a […]

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