Tag Archives | Janet Reno

Washington’s Skewed Scoring for Congressional Hearings

I was chasing other rabbits today and did not closely follow Hillary Clinton’s testimony on Benghazi.  I followed some of the high points on Twitter and read a few news stories on the hubbub.    But I am reminded of how the Washington media 20 years ago scored the testimony of Attorney General Janet Reno before a […]

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MP3 of Scott Horton Waco Anniversary Interview

The main lesson that Washington policymakers drew from the Waco debacle is : Truth delayed is truth defused. Scott Horton and I discussed the anniversary of the final federal assault at Waco on his talk show last Friday. Scott has done annual Waco show ever since he went on the air in 1999. Here’s a […]

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Mike McNulty, Waco Hero, R.I.P.

One of the heroes of the Waco fights of the 1990s has passed away.  Mike McNulty did more than any other single person to doggedly pursue the truth about Waco.  And he produced or co-produced a number of superb films that vividly and compelling explained why the feds were lying about the carnage they unleashed […]

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