Here’s a link to the Amazon page selling the book

“Attention Deficit Democracy produces the attitudes,
ignorance, and arrogance that pave the
way to political collapse.”
Here’s a link to the Amazon page selling the book
Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century? by Jim Bovard | Mar 23, 2023 The Iraq War was spawned by a deadly combination of political depravity and media complicity. Unfortunately, on the twentieth anniversary of the war, both elements of that conspiracy are being whitewashed. Instead, politicians and their pundit accomplices […]
LIBERTARIAN INSTITUTE, October 10 2022 On the Ground at DC’s Pro-Assange Protest by Jim Bovard | On Saturday, protests supporting freedom for Julian Assange erupted around the world. In London, 7,000 protestors linked hands to surround the Parliament building, demanding that the United Kingdom not extradite Assange to the United States for a show trial. […]
Libertarian Institute, January 26, 2021 Testing Positive for COVID-Bootlicking by Jim Bovard | Jan 26, 2021 The COVID pandemic has shown how easy it is to make people hate anyone who is not as frightened as themselves. Since last March, politicians and health officials have fanned fears to commandeer far more control over Americans’ daily […]
Peter Quinones, one of the best podcasters in the biz, interviewed me this evening on my article on the SWAT killing of gun rights activist Duncan Lemp. Here’s the link – *Bonus* Jim Bovard on the Police Killing of Duncan Lemp by Peter R. Quinones | Mar 14, 2020 | Free Man Beyond the Wall […]
My USA Today oped earlier this week on presidential candidate Deval Patrick‘s role in the Ruby Ridge coverup is spurring some controversy. Here’s a podcast I did last year with Pete Quinones (now with the Libertarian Institute) talking about Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch, and the dangers of federal agencies off the leash. You can listen […]
The International Students for Liberty is holding their tenth annual conference in Washington this weekend. I ambled down and caught up with some old friends like Sheldon Richman and Scott Horton. Jared Labell was there – those three are the core (along with Will Grigg) of the newly formed Libertarian Institute. I caught Angela Keaton’s […]