Tag Archives | liberty


25 Years of Voting Epigrams

Here’s a round-up of my epigrams on voting from my books and articles since 1993: *Politicians are dividing America into two classes – those who work for a living and those who vote for a living *Nowadays, we have elections in lieu of freedom. *What government abuses and crimes can we expect to cease as […]

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Supreme Court: The Dog That Didn’t Bark

Mises Institute, September 26, 2018 The Supreme Court: The Dog that Didn’t Bark by James Bovard The furor over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is spurring many commentators to bewail that the Supreme Court has become too powerful. But the real problem is that the Court is now often little more than a fig leaf […]

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17 Years of the War On Terrorism

Seventeen years after the 9/11 attacks, it is time to ask: Will America ever politically recover?  Politicians have exploited those day to seize so much power and launch attacks on so many foreign nations. Will this constitutional travesty never end? This is also the 15th anniversary of the publication of Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, […]

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The Hill: Another State of Democracy Report Ignores Cause of Plummeting Trust

The Hill, June 29, 2018 Another ‘state of democracy’ report ignores real cause of plummeting trust by James Bovard The 937th report on the crisis of democracy in the Trump era was released Tuesday. Half of Americans polled believe that the U.S. is in “real danger of becoming a nondemocratic, authoritarian country” and two-thirds believe democracy is […]

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New Book: FREEDOM FRAUDS: Hard Lessons in American Liberty

The Future of Freedom Foundation just released a new Amazon Kindle collection of my articles.  Freedom Frauds: Hard Lessons in American Liberty is available for only $2.99 – less than the price of a good cigar (so I am told – I wouldn’t know). There’s the story of how I got nailed by the police while searching […]

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Democracy versus Liberty

Trump’s presidency is helping Americans recognize that voting is no guarantee for individual liberty. This is perhaps the most frequently forgotten lesson in politics.  Many liberals were convinced that Obama’s election somehow made Americans’ constitutional rights safe, while many conservatives believed that Al Gore’s defeat in 2000 provided the same windfall.  In reality, no president can be […]

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Forty Years Ago: My First Article in The Freeman

Forty years ago, my first article in a national publication appeared in the Freeman. This was also the first piece of mine which paid something other than free copies of the periodical. Actually, the five cents a word pay rate was more than enough to cover a month’s rent. The Freeman, published by the Foundation […]

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