Tag Archives | libya

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Obama and the Death of Idealism

French version Italian version Catalonian version American Conservative, December 3, 2020 Barack Obama and the Death of Idealism Obama’s deception and warmongering killed the “hope and change” he promised on the campaign trail. We shouldn’t be sad to see them go. by  James Bovard Americans are sickened of an “idealism that is oblique, confusing, dishonest, […]

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Elections Are Becoming Coffin Nails for Legitimacy

American Institute for Economic Research, November 11, 2020 Elections and Legitimacy James Bovard This year’s presidential election is the fourth since 2000 to be marred by either widespread allegations of voter fraud or of foreign interference. Politicians and pundits have long counted on elections to wave a magic wand of legitimacy over the reign of […]

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Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency?

Daily Caller / American Renewal Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency? Photo by SugaBom86/Shutterstock; Edits by Grae Stafford/DCNF James Bovard Contributor August 13, 2020 9:09 PM ET Four years ago, Donald Trump electrified campaign audiences by denouncing “Trigger Happy Hillary” Clinton. Trump bragged in 2016 that his advisers knew “how to avoid the endless […]

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A Halo for the Civil War is Hogwash

Libertarian Institute, July 16, 2020 A Halo for the Civil War is Hogwash by James Bovard “If the people who started wars didn’t make them sacred, who would be foolish enough to fight?” said Rhett Butler, the savvy anti-hero in Gone with the Wind. Politicians, activist historians, and social justice warriors have awarded the American […]

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50 Years of Unhinged Presidential Televised Warmongering

Libertarian Institute, May 4, 2020 50 Years Of Unhinged, Televised Presidential Warmongering by Jim Bovard Fifty years ago, President Richard Nixon popped up on national television on a Thursday night to proudly announce that he invaded Cambodia. At that time, Nixon was selling himself as a peacemaker, promising to withdraw U.S. troops from the Vietnam […]

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NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur by Ted Carpenter

If you’re seeking to understand how NATO became a peril to keeping America at peace, check out an excellent new book by my friend Ted Carpenter, NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur. NATO did superb work thwarting Soviet aggression in Europe. But NATO had no purpose after the Soviet Union dissolved. Unfortunately, NATO responded by continually expanding, […]

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War on Terror is Biggest Sham of Our Era

The War on Terror quickly became the greatest political sham of our lifetimes. Politicians exploited the 9/11 attacks to seize boundless power over Americans and much of the world. President Bush invoked the 9/11 attacks to launch an unjust and foolish attack on Iraq, destabilizing the entire Middle East. President Obama provided massive military aid […]

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