Tag Archives | Lying

Celebrating Constitution Day in the Age of Obama

This is Constitution Day; the official White House photo for the occasion is on the left.  Obama issued a proclamation for the occasion that is knee-deep with his usual Statist hokum. Obama declared: “Our Constitution…  secures the privileges we enjoy as citizens, but also demands participation, responsibility, and service to our country and to one another.” But […]

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Obama Reincarnates Nixon in Hustling a “Used War”

I recall how my liberal friends assured me in 2008 that Obama would launch a brave new era in American politics. As Obama unleashes the bombs on Iraq and on Syria, we are back to the same pointless killing that defined the George W. Bush administration.  I hope that more of the folks who courageously […]

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Bombing Syria: Still Crazier Than Hell

I am appalled to see the Obama administration charging blindly and dragging America into another war in Syria.  ISIS looks like a bunch of prize bastards but that is pretty much par for that part of the world.  I have seen no evidence that selective U.S. bombing will beget a new Garden of Eden in that […]

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My First Piece after 9/11: Dangers of Trusting Government

Last week was the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Reposted below is the first piece I had published after that attack. George Neumayr was the IBD editor who accepted the piece; George is now a contributing editor at American Spectator. (Still can’t understand why the New York Times op-ed page didn’t jump when I […]

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Wash. Times: The “Food Insecurity” Hoax

 Washington Times, September 10, 2014 The Food Security Hoax by James Bovard Promoting hunger scam is how federal bean counters keep their jobs According to the U.S. Agriculture Department, American households suffer far more “food insecurity” than do families in Angola, Mozambique and Pakistan. The USDA uses different standards to gauge domestic and foreign “food […]

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Eric Holder and the Waco Coverup

I mentioned in today’s Washington Times piece that Attorney General Eric Holder had been involved in the coverup of Waco during the Clinton administration.  Here is a piece I wrote for American Spectator on how the Danforth Commission turned into a whitewash. Holder, then serving as Deputy Attorney General, managed to steer John Danforth in […]

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Wash. Times: Eric Holder’s Police Shooting Hypocrisy

  Washington Times, August 27, 2014 Eric Holder’s Police Shooting Hypocrisy by James Bovard There are no Ferguson-style probes when black police shoot blacks Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is enjoying a tidal wave of laudatory press coverage for his activism on the Ferguson, Mo., shooting and subsequent protests. In the 1990s, though, Mr. […]

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