Tag Archives | nixon


Will Treason Mania Destroy America?

Will Treason Mania Destroy America? by James Bovard At the start of the Biden era, America is being torn apart by more allegations of treason than at any time since the Civil War. Historian Henry Adams observed a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” And few things spur hatred […]

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Bashing the IRS on Grover Norquist’s Leave Us Alone Podcast

Grover Norquist, chief of Americans for Tax Reform, and I had fun hammering the IRS’s long history of political bias and revenue racketeering. I’m not expecting the IRS to turn over a new leaf thanks to Biden’s army of new IRS agents.  [@#$@# new software for my Logitech camcom didn’t mesh with ATR’s broadcast software.  […]

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The Coming IRS Reign of Terror

Daily Caller, May 6, 2021 BOVARD: The Coming IRS Reign Of Terror James Bovard Contributor The power to tax has long conferred the power to destroy political opponents. But in the glorious era of President Joe Biden, all previous cases of government abuse of power are being expunged, at least by the media and Biden […]

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Steel Follies and the Perils of Politically-Controlled Trade

American Institute for Economic Research, April 22, 2021 Steel Follies and the Perils of Politically-Controlled Trade James Bovard The Biden administration appears determined to perpetrate all of Trump’s economic follies while adding fresh blunders of its own. Trump was notorious for saying incorrect things on trade, such as his assertion that “trade wars are good, […]

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Gerald Ford and the Perversion of Presidential Pardons

American Conservative, December 29, 2020 Gerald Ford and the Perversion of Presidential Pardons by James Bovard In pardoning Nixon, the 38th president opened the floodgates to boundless executive power. In his final weeks in office, President Donald Trump is outraging the media and many critics with deluges of dubious pardons. Last Tuesday was “No Corrupt […]

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50 Years Ago (!?!): Boy Scout Eagle Scout Award

Fifty years ago today, I received the Eagle badge in Boy Scouts.   If I had a dollar for every person in subsequent decades who was shocked or appalled that someone like me could have reached Eagle, I could buy several kegs of the best beer in Maryland. Likewise, it would be fun to know how […]

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Old Coins Taught Me to Never Trust the Government

Mises Institute, July 2, 2020  How Collecting Old Coins Taught Me to Never Trust the Government by James Bovard Old coins vaccinated me against trusting politicians long before I grew my first scruffy beard. I began collecting coins when I was eight years old in 1965, the year President Lyndon Johnson began eliminating all the […]

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