American Conservative Idiocy or Perfidy? How We Get Hooked on Foreign Democracy Crusades Ted Carpenter’s new book raises important questions about who is wagging who. By James Bovard • October 2, 2019 Official White House Photo by Pete Souza Gullible Superpower: U.S. Support For Bogus Foreign Democratic Movements by Ted Galen Carpenter, 2019, Cato Institute, […]
Tag Archives | Obama

USA Today: Supreme Court Turns FOIA Into a Fraud
USA Today, June 27, 2019 The Supreme Court rewrote FOIA into the Freedom FROM Information Act by James Bovard, Opinion columnist This Supreme Court decision doesn’t help those on food stamps. All it does is protect the interests of the federal government and business. This week the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can keep secret […]

MP3 – Obama’s Forgotten Frauds on the Scott Horton Show
My old friend Scott Horton and I had fun recapping Obama’s forgotten frauds and crimes on Scott’s radio show at the Libertarian Institute.. Trump’s shenanigans are reviving Obama’s reputation but don’t fall for the media bait-and-switch. I appreciate how Scott always brings out my positive thinking on our political establishment. The 27 minute interview wraps […]

Obama’s Forgotten Frauds and Debacles
Obama’s Forgotten Frauds and Debacles by James Bovard Former President Barack Obama is again busy lecturing Americans on politics. His speeches have contained many snappy lines that would deserve attention if they came from an untainted source. But Obama as president was guilty of many of the things against which he now warns his fellow […]

90 Seconds of 2018 Quotes
Here’s a 90 second video of punchy (?) lines from my recent articles, including whacks against lying politicians, insane wars, loopy protestors, democracy debacles, Obama, John McCain, GWHW Bush. Background fiddle music is from 1920s. Experimenting here…

Other Damn Near Surly 2018 Quotes
Some folks responded to Wednesday’s blog post by caterwauling that I only write surly pieces. So here’s a half dozen quotes from last year’s articles that showcase my positive thinking. Thanks to and Pixabay for royalty-free software & images.

Syria Insanity Must Continue, Sez Washington Establishment & Media
The Washington Post front page today is in full panic mode over Trump’s decision on Syria. Reading the Post, one would think that US intervention had achieved something aside from getting vast numbers of Syrians pointlessly killed.Washington’s laptop bombardiers are hysterically opposed to Trump’s withdrawal of US troops from Syria. But the “Combat Veterans for […]