Federal judge Vaughn Walker ruled today that the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance program was illegal. This has been obvious ever since the New York Times blew the lid off of the National Security Administration’s massive surveillance operation in late 2005. It is amazing that the issue is still open to dispute. Unfortunately, there is not […]
Tag Archives | Obama
Christian Science Monitor: The Census is Untrustworthy
posted today (and in their national weekly print edition) by the Christian Science Monitor – My 2 favorite lines from this piece – *A surplus of lies naturally produces a deficit of trust. *Citizens are not obliged to pave the data highway for Leviathan’s next intrusion into their lives. ******* The 2010 Census: Will Your […]
On Russian TV Talking About American Dictatorial Power
I was on Russian Television (the English language edition) last night talking about all the “emergency” declarations and power grabs by recent presidents. The interview on “The Alyona Show” starts about 6 minutes into this YouTube segment here. It was ironic to be commenting on the danger of excessive presidential power on Russian TV…. Perhaps at some point […]
Washington Post: Subjugation as “Apple Pie”
“How Can Apple Pie Suddenly Turn Bad?” reads the headline in the print edition of today’s Washington Post. The article talks of the tragic development that Obama’s health care plan appears to be sinking. The fact that Americans would object to increased political control over health care is so completely inconceivable to Washington Post reporters […]
Justice Department Bans Justice for Torturers
The Obama Justice Department has apparently decided that, since torture is not a crime (at least not anything deserving of prosecution), then concocting legal doctrines that unleashed torturers around the world is also no offense. A Justice Department internal investigation has concluded that John Yoo and Jay Bybee were gulity only of “poor judgment” in […]
Dump Bernanke and Audit the Fed
How much damage can one man inflict and still be treated like a saint and savior in Washington? Ben Bernanke’s career answers that question. The Establishment media has rallied around the current Fed chairman as if his reign was the triumph of wisdom and goodness – instead of a debacle of bursting bubbles and ruined […]
Will Obama Out-BS Bush?
Obama’s speech from West Point tonight may drive the final wooden stake into liberals’ hope that their guy would create a Brave New Order in Washington and the world. The fact that Obama is following in Bush’s footsteps – talking to an audience of captive individuals who would be ruined for life by a single […]