Tag Archives | Obama

Saluting AmeriCorps in IBD

Good ol’ AmeriCorps just can’t get as many salutes as it deserves. This is the first time I have seen the phrase “bogus idealism” in a headline. **** INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY Rife With Bogus Idealism, Waste, AmeriCorps Doesn’t Need To Exist By JAMES BOVARD President Obama signed legislation Tuesday to triple the number of AmeriCorps […]

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Obama’s Double Standard on Atrocities & Evil

At a Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Capitol on Thursday, President Obama called for “fighting the silence that is evil’s greatest co-conspirator.” On the same day, Obama decided to oppose creation of a truth commission to vigorously investigate and expose U.S. torture crimes. This is another of those damn paradoxes of which Washington is full […]

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Obama Continuing Bush Coverups?

Though Obama thus far does not seem as bellicose as did George W. Bush, there are growing signs that his administration will continue the Washington tradition of covering up the crimes of his predecessors. The Obama administration is repeating the same arguments used by the Bush White House to justify whitewashing the illegal deletion or […]

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