American Conservative, September 10, 2021 9/11 and the Mirage of American Democracy Continued secrecy around the role of Saudi Arabia in the events of two decades ago undermines representative government. James Bovard Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, the federal government continues blindfolding the American people. Four presidents have either actively engaged in a cover-up […]
Tag Archives | Obama

9/11 and My Pariah Decade
Mises Institute, September 6, 2021 Remember When Conservatives “Canceled” Anyone against the War on Terror? I Do. by James Bovard Life in American changed twenty years ago after the 9/11 attacks. Many Americans became enraged at anyone who did not swear allegiance to President George W. Bush’s antiterrorism crusade. Anyone who denied “they hate us […]
Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion
Libertarian Institute, August 27, 2021 Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion by James Bovard Americans finally recognize the military lies that pervaded the success claims of the 20-year war in Afghanistan. But democracy promotion was an even bigger sham. Afghanistan was Exhibit A for the triumphal crusade to spread freedom and democracy. After the […]

Federal Farm Policy is Hopelessly Corrupt
American Institute for Economic Research, July 1, 2001 Federal Farm Policy Is Corrupt Regardless of the Latest Uproar James Bovard – Federal agricultural policy has been permeated by political racketeering since President Franklin Roosevelt appointed America’s first farm dictator in 1933. On Tuesday, the Washington Post revealed that Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, purchased […]
Biden’s Buffoonish War on Extremism
American Conservative, June 17, 2021 Biden’s Buffonish War on Extremism by James Bovard The Biden administration revealed on Tuesday that guys who can’t get laid may be terrorist threats due to “involuntary celibate–violent extremism.” That revelation is part of a new crackdown that identifies legions of potential “domestic terrorists” that the feds can castigate and […]

Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom?
American Institute for Economic Research, June 7, 2021 Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom? James Bovard Denouncing corruption is the easiest way for rascally politicians to appear honest. Upholding a venerable Washington Kabuki tradition, President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he was “issuing” a memo to “establish combatting corruption as a core U.S. […]

Pummeling the FBI and the Police State with Scott Horton MP3
Hell-raising talk show host Scott Horton and I gave a hearty flogging to illegal federal surveillance in this 26 minute interview spurred by this article in the American Conservative. Below is the write-up on the show from Scott’s website: Jim Bovard discusses the way the American surveillance state has slowly dismantled the fourth amendment, especially […]