I got a phone call early this morning from Press TV seeking comments on ObamaCare. OK, some people don’t consider 8 a.m. early but my IQ is 15 points higher later in the morning – sometimes breaking into triple digits. What the heck – I enjoyed the chance to start the day by thrashing Obama’s biggest fraud […]
Tag Archives | ObamaCare
Hobby Lobby: Self-Respecting Rednecks Pay for Own Condoms
As a self-respecting redneck, I’ve always insisted on paying for my own condoms. I am continually amazed at how the ObamaCare compulsory contraception coverage mandate is being portrayed. The Washington Post’s Tom Toles does some great cartoons. But I suspect many Post subscribers instinctively equate a lack of subsidized contraception with human sacrifice.

How Many Howlers Will Obama Tell In State Of Union Speech Tonight?
Is anyone else having trouble distinguishing today’s two most popular acronyms – SOTU & STFU? When people ask why I watch Obama speeches, I shrug and admit that that is part of the terms of my parole. What will Obama’s biggest howlers be tonight? I am expecting a burst of candor as much as I […]
Congratulations to Obama on HealthCare.Gov Success
The Obama administration is claiming victory in its re-launch today of the Healthcare.gov website. Tom Blanton, the mastermind of the Project for a New American Revolution, has the inside story on the Big Fix: You can see more of Tom’s zippety political art on his Flickr page here.
Obama’s Broken Condom Apology for Health Insurance Debacle
President Obama’s “apology” on his health insurance double-cross sounds a lot like the kind of weaseling a guy might say after he and his girlfriend noticed that his condom just broke – “And I am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me.” I’ll call […]

Obama’s Vacuum Cleaner for Your Health Data
Here’s a piece I wrote in 2009 on one of Obama’s first assaults on privacy. A few of the piece’s punchier lines: *Privacy is very lucrative for the Beltway boys: they reap millions when they betray it. *We now know that psychologists were brought to the prison at Guantánamo to exploit detainees’ weaknesses for interrogation […]