The Wall Street Journal had a piece on Friday about how Alice Cooper and his band rented a mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut in the early 1970s. Greenwich was known as one of the richest, most exclusive cities in the nation at that time. Cooper and his hell-raising cohorts did not blend in seamlessly. That article […]
Tag Archives | public policy hooligan

My Old Stomping Grounds Featured on ABC Evening News
ABC Evening News last week did a segment on the Virginia hills where I was raised. When I lived there, it was a Beef Cattle Research Station. Now it is a Smithsonian Conservation Center saving cuddly animals from extinction. The first part of the ABC video has a few snippets of the beautiful landscape. This […]

Amer. Conservative’s Dan McCarthy on Public Policy Hooligan
American Conservative editor Dan McCarthy, in a University Bookman roundup of summer reading, made this comment: I’ve kicked off the summer with James Bovard’s memoir, Public-Policy Hooligan. The Iowa-born, Virginia-reared libertarian hellraiser recounts his youth in Front Royal and Blacksburg as he grows from “a protein pill-popping weightlifting champion into a library-addicted philosophy devotee.” Bovard […]

CEI’s Fred Smith Reviews Public Policy Hooligan
Fred Smith, the founder and chairman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, reviewed Public Policy Hooligan yesterday. Thanks a heap, Fred! A rollicking account of a life spent humbling bureaucrats and never taking the bait By Fred L. Smith Jr This review is from: Public Policy Hooligan – Rollicking and Wrangling from Helltown to Washington (Kindle Edition) Jim’s […]

From Hooligan: How I Got Kicked Out of the Supreme Court
The @HLMenckenbot had a great Mencken quote on Twitter this morning: “The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence.” It never occurred me that laughing in court could be a crime punishable by jail time. But maybe […]

Claire Wolfe reviews Public Policy Hooligan on Amazon
Notorious freedom writer & hell-raiser Claire Wolfe just posted a very generous review of Public Policy Hooligan on Amazon And he really is a hooligan, too. 😉 By Claire Wolfe “freedom writer” Jim Bovard has written an amazingly cheerful memoir of how he went from being a good, authority-respecting Boy Scout to being the bane […]

Hooligan Reviewed by Irish Writer Paddy Manning
Irish writer & farmer Paddy Manning just posted a very generous review of Hooligan. Thanks, Paddy! 5.0 out of 5 stars Essential, Compelling Reading for Limiting Government, Great Comedy, April 4, 2013 By P. Manning “floating mote” (Ireland) – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Public Policy Hooligan […]