Tag Archives | reagan

Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 20-28-32 James Bovard The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained - YouTube

The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained

Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Moric  and his Geopolitics and Empire podcast for an encore lap around the track. Hrvoje posted our April interview initially on a bevy of websites, including Rumble  LIST.   But because he was in what he labeled the DARPATube Digital Gulag, he did not post it on YouTube until this weekend.  Here […]

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Talking Last Rights on the Ernie Hancock Radio Show

Ernie Hancock and I had a rattling good conversation this week on our latest escapades and the nation going to hell politically. The last time I saw Ernie, we were celebrating at Washington brewery – the feds had just ceased hounding him about his radio interviews with January 6 folks. You can listen to the […]

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Biden Perpetuates Washington’s Idiotic Steel Trade Policies

Biden Perpetuates Washington’s Idiotic Steel Trade Policies 04/19/2024 • Mises Wire • James Bovard Joe Biden is seeking to boost his reelection campaign by torpedoing Chinese imports. In an April 17 speech in Pittsburgh, the symbolic heart of the steel industry, Biden announced that he asked his US trade representative to triple tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports. […]

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jpb 1984 public television oped

1984: My Call to End Public TV Subsidies

National Public Radio is catching hell for suspending Uri Berliner, a veteran NPR editor who recently condemned NPR’s political bias.  Forty years ago this month, I wrote an oped for the Washington Times calling for ending all federal subsidies for public television.  I stated: “Public TV could easily become self-reliant with little or no damage […]

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TSA Outrages, New Hampshire Pratfalls, and Swift Boat Veterans for Climate Change – Brian Wilson Podcast

Twenty-two minutes of mirth & political derision – the latest Two and Only Podcast For more wit and insights from Talk Show Legend Brian Wilson, check out https://brianwilsonwrites.substack.com/ January 24 episode highlights: Brian welcomed listeners to “the Existential Threat episode of The Two and Only, our weekly calculation of the roadkill of human rights littering […]

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My 40 Year War on Reefer Madness

My 40 Year War on Reefer Madness by Jim Bovard | June 26, 2023   Libertarian Institute Forty years ago last week, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner published my first attack on the federal drug war. The previous year, the Reagan administration unleashed its “Just Say No” program, vilifying anyone who smoked a joint, sniffed the […]

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Social Security’s Trillion Dollar Trouble (1988)

Viewpoint: Trillion-Dollar Trouble James Bovard | From the July 1988 issue of Reason magazine Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on RedditShare by emailPrint friendly versionCopy page URL The latest problem with the Social Security system—a surplus of nearly $40 billion—could be far more dangerous than previous Social Security cliffhangers. In the past, the system repeatedly […]

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