Tag Archives | Secrecy

Fixing Legacies by Killing Historians (Or the Facts)

    New White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was on CNN yesterday defending Obama administration coverups.  He was asked about a letter from the Society of Professional Journalists and other organizations which scolded the White House for “politically driven suppression of news and information about federal agencies.” Earnest proclaimed that he is “definitely committed” to helping […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Toxic Secrecy-Censorship Combo

Washington Times, June 5, 2014 Caught between secrecy and censorship Americans need a free press to tell them when the Constitution is trampled by James Bovard Last Monday, the Supreme Court provided invaluable aid to the Obama administration’s campaign to hide evidence of federal abuses from Americans. The court acceded to the administration’s appeal and […]

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Dilbert Solves the Patriot Act Mystery?

  We learned in the last few weeks that a secret ruling exists which permits the federal agencies to violate far more Americans’ rights under a twisted interpretation of the Patriot Act. Are the feds using smart phones to track millions of Americans?

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