Tag Archives | spying

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End Rent-a-Halo Bullshit: Separate Piety and Politics

End Rent-a-Halo Bullshit: Separate Piety and Politics by James Bovard, May 31, 2024 Facebook Twitter Reddit Email The First Amendment of the Constitution specifies, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In Washington, the “free exercise thereof” perennially includes politicians exploiting religion to sanctify themselves and […]

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Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11-53-03 James Bovard Is Free Speech a Relic in America

Chicago Radio: FISA Spying and the Great Penis Question

Lots of fun this morning with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson on Chicago’s Morning Answer radio at AM560.  Amazing to see how teachers are stampeding kids with transgender imperatives.  I appreciated the chance to smack around FISA spying and Congress, too. I joined the segment about three minutes after the start of the tape. Listen/watch […]

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The DC Sniper Rampage: The Biggest Police Debacle of the Century?

Mises Institute, December 3, 2021 The DC Sniper Rampage: The Biggest Police Debacle of the Century? by James Bovard Those who forget police debacles could be the victims of the next law enforcement fiasco. Former Montgomery County, Maryland, police chief Charles Moose passed away on Thanksgiving Day. He became famous as the most prominent law […]

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Yalta and the Death of the “Good War”

The American Conservative, February 18, 2020 Yalta and the Death of the ‘Good War’ by James Bovard FDR’s complicity in Stalin’s post-WWII bloodletting started a trend of lies and hypocrisy in U.S. foreign policy. Yalta summit in February 1945 with (from left to right) Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. (public domain) *** This […]

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Comey, the FBI, and FISA: The Debacle is Now Undeniable

The secret FISA court today publicly condemned the FBI lies that resulted in nuclear-powered surveillance warrants targeting the Trump campaign. “The frequency with which representations made by F.B.I. personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether […]

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9/11 and the American Orwellian Nightmare

Counterpunch, September 6, 2019 9/11 and the American Orwellian Nightmare by James Bovard Next week will mark the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Politicians and bureaucrats wasted no time after that carnage to unleash the Surveillance State on average Americans, treating every citizen like a terrorist suspect.   Since the government failed to protect […]

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Democratic Debate Night #2 – Cheers & Jeers

My take on the gun-grabbing, governnent-loving, tax-exalting, climate-fearing, and severely amnesiac #DemDebate Round 2… Second Democratic debate with 10 candidates seemed more vacuous than the first round of 10. Nobody asked Rep. Swalwell about his plan to use nuclear weapons to punish gun owners who refused to surrender their AR-15s. Lots of wailing about police […]

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