The Supreme Court accepted today a case in which California farmers challenge USDA’s right to confiscate their raisins. The Court’s decision is a defeat for the Justice Department, which argued that the Supremes should let stand a bizarre Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision that would have nullified a swath of the Fifth Amendment. I tub-thumped […]
Tag Archives | Supreme Court
Wash. Times: Obama’s Raisin Robbery
Washington Times, January 11, 2015 Obama’s raisin robbery The Supreme Court could end federal confiscation of farmers’ crops By James Bovard The Obama administration is once again championing Uncle Sam’s sacred right to seize farmers’ harvests. After being trounced on procedural grounds at the Supreme Court in 2013, the Justice Department wants the Supremes to […]
Speech: “Fighting Leviathan for Fun & Freedom”
Property Rights Foundation of America: Fighting Leviathan for Fun and Freedom By James Bovard Eighteenth Annual National Conference on Private Property Rights, Latham, New York, October 25, 2014I’m honored to speak to an audience full of hard core freedom fighters. Carol LaGrasse is one of my heroes — she has done such fine work for so many […]
Bill of Rights Day Our Anti-Politician Day
Make Bill of Rights Day America’s Anti-Politician Day by James Bovard Today is the 223rd anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights — the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Bill of Rights Day should be the preeminent Anti-Politician Day on the American calendar. Instead, it has become simply another pretext for rulers […]
FFF: FDR Farm Folly Lessons for ObamaCare
– From the Future of Freedom Foundation FDR Farm Folly Lessons for ObamaCare by James Bovard As the Obama administration wreaks further havoc on health care, many people expect the politicians to recognize their follies and relent. However, history indicates that rulers will continue seizing new power regardless of how much wreckage results. The farm […]
Killing in Lieu of Surveilling
Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles deserves another Pulitzer Prize for this superb cartoon. Some people are singing hallelujahs over the Supreme Court’s recent decision that police cannot automatically search people’s cell phones. However, the Supreme Court has done nothing to negate the government’s prerogative to kill people based on secret memos, secret evidence, and utter bunk. […]
My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Toxic Secrecy-Censorship Combo
Washington Times, June 5, 2014 Caught between secrecy and censorship Americans need a free press to tell them when the Constitution is trampled by James Bovard Last Monday, the Supreme Court provided invaluable aid to the Obama administration’s campaign to hide evidence of federal abuses from Americans. The court acceded to the administration’s appeal and […]