Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles deserves another Pulitzer Prize for this superb cartoon. Some people are singing hallelujahs over the Supreme Court’s recent decision that police cannot automatically search people’s cell phones. However, the Supreme Court has done nothing to negate the government’s prerogative to kill people based on secret memos, secret evidence, and utter bunk. […]
Tag Archives | Terrorism
Iraq War Flashback: 2003 Epigrams
As the Obama administration appears to be stumbling back towards warring in Iraq, many folks are recalling the follies of the Bush administration’s 2003 war. This excellent Tom Toles’ cartoon from the Washington Post captures W.’s legacy. As the Bush administration was rattling its sabers towards Iraq from mid-2002 onwards, I hustled numerous pieces to […]

My Rollicking Interview with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist
I had a lively chat yesterday with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist regarding Hayek, Mencken, Washington venality, the Great Books, that bastard Nixon, and some of my muckraking over the past decades. I was not aware that folks had considered me a unicorn – I’m more accustomed to being compared to weasels or guttersnipes. Their interview description refers […]

My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s War on Watchdogs
Washington Times, May 2, 2014 Obama’s War on Watchdogs by James Bovard A Senate report last week revealed that the Obama administration utterly debilitated the inspector general for the Homeland Security Department. Charles Edwards, the acting IG from early 2011 till last December, toadied to Obama appointees at every opportunity — stifling reports, deleting damning […]

Celebrating Freedom Fighter Jon Utley’s 80th Birthday
Jon Utley, the publisher of American Conservative and one of the most dedicated and principled pro-freedom and antiwar activists in the nation, celebrated his 80th birthday last month. Hundreds of folks gathered at D.C.’s Metropolitan Club to hear him speak about his life and to hear tributes from a dozen speakers ranging from Human Events […]
YIKES! NSA Might be Tracking My Sheep Searches
YIKES! The NSA might be tracking the number of sheep photos I have viewed online. I swear – I was only doing research on agricultural policy….. Another great piece from Glenn Greenwald today: “The National Security Agency has been gathering records of online sexual activity and evidence of visits to pornographic websites as part of […]
Our Foreign Aid & Obama’s Drone License to Kill
Here’s a refutation to those cynics who claim that America gets no benefit from our foreign aid payoffs – (cartoon by Heng from the New York Times) And here’s another jibe at drones from Saturday’s Stop Watching Us rally in Washington –