Mises Institute, January 19, 2021 Let’s Abolish Those Presidential Medals of Freedom Tags U.S. History 1 min agoJames Bovard The Washington Post is outraged that Donald Trump has sullied one of Washington’s most hallowed honors—Presidential Medals of Freedom. After the White House announced plans to bestow the medals on two Republican members of Congress and […]
Tag Archives | Trump

Our Mail-in Elective Dictator
American Conservative, January 18, 2021 Our Mail-In Elective Dictator The surge in mail-in voting is a sea change for American democracy regardless of whether widespread fraud occurred. by Jim Bovard When Joe Biden is sworn in as president, he will solemnly pledge to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” But the […]

MP3 Fighting Treason with Hell-raising Host Ernie Hancock
Freedoms Phoenix hellraising host Ernie Hancock and I had fun this morning smacking around treason and controversies over the 2020 presidential election. My coffeemaker malfunctioned so my recall on the 1790s Alien and Sedition Acts was almost as bad as a PBS historian. That coffee sho Two-thirds through the show, I commented, “The only thing […]
Congressional Hypocrisy and the Coming Crackdown
American Institute for Economic Research, January 13, 2021 Congressional Hypocrisy and the Crackdown James Bovard The political hysteria unleashed by last week’s clash at the Capitol between police and Trump protestors poses a growing danger to Americans’ constitutional rights. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer ludicrously compared the ruckus to Pearl Harbor – a “day of […]

The Charge of Treason and the Danger to Democracy
American Institute for Economic Research, January 6, 2021 The Charge of Treason and the Danger to Democracy James Bovard Historian Henry Adams observed a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” Nowadays, politics seems hellbent on multiplying hatred. And few things spur hatred more effectively than tarring all political opponents […]
Why We Question the Election Results
American Conservative, December 11, 2020 Why We Question the Election Results Doubt over the election is widely dismissed as crankery, but skepticism of the media elite narrative is hardly unwarranted. by James Bovard Americans’ trust in government and the media has collapsed. Two months before the presidential election, only 20 percent of Americans trusted the […]
Extremism as a Ticket to Tyrannize
“Extremism” as a Ticket to Tyrannize by James Bovard “Extremists” are one of the famous bogeymen that American politicians invoke to sanctify their own power. But the definition of “extremism” has forever been in flux. The only consistent element in definitions of extremism is that politicians always win. In the 1770s, people who suggested that […]