BIDEN’S SORDID LEGACY: RAVAGED RIGHTS & LIBERTIES by James Bovard Joe Biden’s presidency ends on January 20, 2025. There will likely be a media stampede to hallow his reign and trumpet his virtues. But Biden perpetually trampled his January 20, 2021, oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” In his […]
Tag Archives | TSA
TSA Tyranny Gone Cutesy
Mises Institute, September 2, 2024 TSA Tyranny Goes Cutesy • James Bovard, In the glorious age of the Kamala Ascendency, the TSA is no longer restraining its contempt for American travelers. After squeezing millions of butts and boobs and never catching a terrorist, TSA decided to have fun by taunting its victims. After a […]
TSA Gabbard Episode Shows the Surveillance State Strong and Stupid as Ever
American Conservative, August 23, 2024 Gabbard Episode Shows the Surveillance State Strong and Stupid as Ever By James Bovard The former Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is apparently the latest Biden critic to be targeted for federal surveillance and harassment. Gabbard, an outspoken opponent of America’s forever wars, is reportedly being stalked by Transportation Security Administration’s […]
The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained
Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Moric and his Geopolitics and Empire podcast for an encore lap around the track. Hrvoje posted our April interview initially on a bevy of websites, including Rumble LIST. But because he was in what he labeled the DARPATube Digital Gulag, he did not post it on YouTube until this weekend. Here […]
N.Y. Post YouTube Video: My Comic Take on FOIA Frauds & Follies
I did a YouTube comic spin plucked from yesterday’s New York Post oped, Fauci’s FOIA follies show ‘transparency’ in Washington has always been a fraud. My guess is that neither DEA nor TSA will ever forgive me.
Freedom Flashback – TSA Be Gone, with James Bovard and Ron Paul
Hearty thanks to Liberty Howl for reposting this online exchange with Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams on the TSA. Lordie but my office back drop looks dubious even by my standards.
Talking Last Rights on the Geopolitics & Empire Podcast
Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Morić for inviting me on to his excellent podcast, Geopolitics and Empire. We had a rattling good chat, smacking around politicians, bureaucrats, and plenty other rascals. Here is his summary of the show: James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become […]