Tag Archives | TSA


TSA’s New Mask Mandate: Typhoid Marys to the Rescue

American Institute for Economic Research, February 8, 2021 TSA’s New Mask Mandate by James Bovard The Transportation Security Administration announced last week that it will be fining travelers up to $1,500 for failing to wear a proper facemask. The TSA could also heavily fine people for wearing a facemask improperly and maybe also for some […]

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Collective Guilt and the New Witch Hunt

American Conservative, January 15, 2021 Collective Guilt and the New Witch Hunt Hatred is at an all-time high in Washington. Will Congress step in to become the arbiters of truth? by  James Bovard “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” was the question used in congressional hearings in […]

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The REAL I.D. Act Ravages Our Liberty

fff.org The REAL ID Act Ravages Our Liberty by James Bovard July 20, 2020 National ID cards have been atop the command-and-control political wish list for decades. In the 1990s, Republican Congresses shot down efforts to move toward national identification cards. However, after 9/11, “everything changed” and politicians seized the chance to unleash far more […]

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Pandemic Security Theater is Self-Destructive

American Renewal Pandemic Security Theater Is Self-Destructive, And Won’t Make Us Safer James Bovard Contributor March 24, 2020 2:32 PM ET Last week, President Donald Trump proclaimed that “we are at war with an invisible enemy,” and on Sunday he said, “I’m a wartime president … This is a different kind of war than we’ve […]

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MP3 Speech at Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Conference

On Saturday, I gave a talk at the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party state convention.  There were so many great folks there and it was a pleasure to speak to a savvy, friendly audience.  Richard Schwarz did a pitch-perfect introduction that set the tone for the talk.  It’s hard not to like a guy who is always […]

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The Sham of Government Secrecy

The Sham of Government Secrecy by James Bovard The Supreme Court in June ruled that the federal government can keep secret the food-stamp sales totals of grocery stores. By a 6 to 3 vote, the Court declared that such business records are exempt from disclosure under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This case, […]

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War on Terror is Biggest Sham of Our Era

The War on Terror quickly became the greatest political sham of our lifetimes. Politicians exploited the 9/11 attacks to seize boundless power over Americans and much of the world. President Bush invoked the 9/11 attacks to launch an unjust and foolish attack on Iraq, destabilizing the entire Middle East. President Obama provided massive military aid […]

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