Tag Archives | TSA


USA Today: TSA’s Latest Looney Surveillance Program

USA Today, July 31, 2018 Have you gained or lost weight? Congrats, TSA is now tracking you for suspicious activity. by James Bovard, Opinion columnist Excessive yawning, strong body odor — these are two ways you could become a target in TSA’s new secret program, which treats ordinary people like terrorists. If you fall asleep or […]

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The Great TSA Cigar Cutter Robbery of 2018

On my way to Alabama last Thursday, the TSA pilfered a cigar cutter – the final absurdity of my visit with them that day. Here’s the story from my speech the following day at a Mises Institute conference – Here’s a link to a better quality video of that speech (I had to reformat the […]

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Why Government Never Learns: Mises Institute Speech

Here’s a link to my speech at the Mises Institute Austrian Economics Research Conference this past weekend in Auburn, Alabama.  I appreciated the opportunity to pay my respects to Leviathan.   I will be posting a few outtakes from this speech in followup blog posts. Mises President Jeff Deist featured much of the speech on his […]

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TSA Turkey Shoot on the Ron Paul Report

I had fun thumping TSA today on the Ron Paul Report. Ron was an early & outspoken critic of the TSA, and he remains totally opposed to the agency’s claptrap. TSA continues to pointlessly grope and abuse vast numbers of Americans every day. An agency that never should have been created should be abolished ASAP. […]

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Will Trump Slash Federal Spending?

 Future of Freedom Foundation Will Trump Reduce Federal Spending? by James Bovard November 21, 2017 Donald Trump’s first proposed budget took a step towards draining the swamp in Washington. His proposal was the first one since the Reagan era in which a president has sought a wholesale demolition of boondoggles. On the other hand, Trump’s […]

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Trump Fans Rush to Defend TSA Abuses

My USA Today oped yesterday,  “Thanksgiving travel: Trump’s holiday gift is more invasive airport security,”  enraged many Trump supporters and got me tagged as a pussy snowflake, part of the “HATE Trump agenda,” libtard, moron,  brain dead, clown, left wing bigot, dopey liberal, leftist loon, and “leader of the idiots.”  It is surprising to see how […]

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