Tag Archives | TSA

USA TODAY: TSA Even More Intrusive & Abusive Under Trump

USA TODAY, November 17, 2017 Thanksgiving travel: Trump’s holiday gift is more invasive airport security by James Bovard On the campaign trail last year, Donald Trump derided the Transportation Security Administration as a “total disaster.” But his administration is making TSA more intrusive and abusive while its 42,000 screeners remain as incompetent as ever. New TSA screening guidelines will likely make […]

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jpb quote exploiting public fear

On 9/11, Remember Not to Exalt Politicians

On the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Americans must not forget how politicians exploited that day’s carnage to seize far more power.  The only 9/11 lessons that Washington politicians learned was to spend more money, violate more rights, and bomb more nations. The only “9/11 lessons” that Washington politicians learned: spend more money, violate […]

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The Hill: Did TSA Use My Opeds for Their Wacky Terrorist Profiles?

TheHill.com TSA justifies pat downs with op-eds — is my paper trail to blame? By James Bovard, opinion contributor – 07/29/17 01:35 PM EDT Americans love to grouse about the Transportation Security Agency. I have caterwauled as loudly as anyone over the years. But I learned last week that some of TSA’s absurdities might be […]

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USA Today: Trump Budget Cuts Bankroll New Waste

USA TODAY, March 19, 2017 Trump budget cuts bankroll new waste by James Bovard  Trump proposes to devote almost all of the savings from cutting domestic programs into the Pentagon.  President Trump’s proposed budget takes a big step towards draining the swamp in Washington. This is the first time since the Reagan era that a […]

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jpb article usa today photo feb 2017 snipped

USA Today: Trump’s Fearmongering is White House Tradition

USA Today, February 8, 2017 Hey, wait a minute, Trump’s fear-mongering isn’t new by James Bovard Stoking public fear is a bipartisan White House tradition to boost presidential power. President Trump is being reviled for wildly exaggerating the peril of Muslim refugees. Some commentators fret that his rhetoric signals a new fascist era descending on […]

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FFF: TSA Treats Americans like Gitmo Detainees

  Future of Freedom Foundation TSA Treats Americans like Gitmo Detainees by James Bovard If you use hand sanitizer when traveling, the Transportation Security Administration can badger you as if you were a terrorist suspect. The TSA is the biggest hassle most Americans will encounter when they fly. I learned that first-hand while flying home […]

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