Tag Archives | tyranny

Hillary Clinton’s Legacy: Democracy in Egypt

A front page Washington Post piece revealed today that Hillary Clinton is racing to finish her memoir so that she can define her legacy in time for her 2016 presidential run. Shortly after Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, she promised to reform foreign aid. Egypt has gotten billions of aid in the meantime – […]

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Great Cartoon on our Obscene Surveillance State

This great cartoon from Tom Toles this morn almost compensated for all the idiotic editorials the Washington Post publishes on Syria and other subjects. The only thing the cartoon was missing was a couple of deranged TSA agents descending on the spectator to force him to produce a DNA sample.   Scott Adams has done […]

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MP3 of Today’s Ernie Hancock Interview on Freedom & Its Enemies

Ernie Hancock was at his dynamic best for this morning’s show.  It is always a mistake to drink decaf before going on the air with Ernie.   I appreciate his hearty laugh and his boundless faith in human nature – at least of non-government workers or politicians. As we were talking about what life influences […]

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New Yorker Cartoon: 911 is Busy, so Stand Your Ground

  Progress! Even New Yorker cartoonists now understand the imperative of people not relying on police to save their necks…. (Okay, maybe that is not the interpretation the magazine hoped for, but…) A dozen years ago, I wrote a forward for a book entitled Dial 911 and Die, by Richard Stevens and Aaron Zelman. Here’s […]

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My 1998 piece: The IRS, Now & Forever

The Foundation for Economic Education reposted this as a “timely classic” last week. A few highlights: *In recent years, IRS agents have been indoctrinated to see taxpayers as a class enemy. *The only Americans who have legal rights, in the IRS’s eyes, are those who can afford to hire lawyers and topnotch accountants to fight […]

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