Tag Archives | unemployment


Two Types of Terror in Michigan

American Institute for Economic Research, October 9, 2020 Two Types of Terror in Michigan James Bovard  #StopTrumpsTerror is one of the hottest trending topics on Twitter, with more than 90,000 tweets. Yesterday, the FBI announced the arrest of six people yesterday in a plot (perhaps government-hatched) to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and put her […]

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After 30 Years, Did the Disabilities Act Work?

American Institute for Economic Research, July 22, 2020 After 30 Years, Did the Disabilities Act Work? James Bovard – July 22, 2020 Thirty years ago, President George H.W. Bush signed [7/26/1990] the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was supposed to create a new era of equality and justice. Instead, the ADA often turns disabilities into […]

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Politicians’ COVID Mania Ravages Maryland

Mises Institute, May 28, 2020 Politicians’ COVID Mania Ravages Maryland by James Bovard Lea esto en Español  by James Bovard Maryland politicians have destroyed more than four hundred thousand jobs in dictatorial responses purporting to thwart the coronavirus pandemic. “Nearly one in five Maryland workers have filed for unemployment” compensation, theBaltimore Sun reported. The situation […]

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