Tag Archives | war

An FBI Birthday Card You Don’t Want to Receive

The Greg Abbott campaign crafted this birthday card for their supporters to send to Wendy Davis, his Democratic opponent in the race for the U.S. Senate in Texas.  I’m not sure that they wish Wendy well. The card could also be sent to Antiwar.com, which is now conducting a fundraising drive.  Antiwar.com was investigated by the FBI […]

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Bravo North Carolina! Congrats to Walter Jones on Primary Win

Bravo North Carolina! Rep. Walter Jones survived a Republican primary challenger who was heavily bankrolled by the Emergency Committee for Israel and other groups and endorsed by Sarah Palin. Jones is one of the most honorable Republicans on foreign policy and has been tight with Ron Paul for years. After initially supporting the Iraq War […]

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Washington Post: Warmongering Doesn’t Pay

  It is regrettable that the Washington Post’s editorials on foreign policy are rarely as profound as its editorial cartoons. Someone could easily compile a list of Washington Post editorials and guest articles by bellicose nitwits urging U.S. preemptive strikes for each venue that Tom Toles lists in this ‘toon. *** On Twitter @jimbovard

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Syria: Common Sense versus Obama’s Next War

From the January 2014 issue of The Future of Freedom (from the Future of Freedom Foundation) Syria: Common Sense versus Obama’s Next War by James Bovard The Obama administration tottered on the edge of launching a cruise missile attack on Syria this past August and September. Obama hesitated and decided to seek congressional approval before […]

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Will Obama Whitewash Every War – Even World War One?!?

Few things are more dangerous than permitting presidents to sacralize pointless wars. In his visit to the Flanders Field Cemetery in Belgium, Obama saluted the soldiers who died in World War One – “the soldiers who manned the trenches were united by something larger — a willingness to fight, and die, for the freedom that […]

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30 Years Ago: U.S. Marines Bombed in Beirut

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. The incursion into Lebanon was one of the biggest debacles of the Reagan administration.  Unfortunately, though Reagan eventually recognized his folly and pulled troops out, other presidents did not recognize the tragic lessons of the pointless loss of American troops. […]

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Syrian Review of my Bush Betrayal

Six years ago, the Syrian newspaper Al-Thawrah reviewed the Arabic edition of Bush Betrayal, published by the Arab Scientific Publishers in Beirut. For some reason, the book evoked more enthusiasm in Syria than it did in some circles in the United States. Never could figure that one out. Here’s the link to the original review, […]

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