Tag Archives | war

Podcast with Brian Wilson on Obama’s Syria War Malarkey

  In a Libertas Media interview this afternoon, Brian Wilson and I took turns paying disrespects to Obama’s push for war against Syria. It is unlikely that the White House will recruit either one of us for its future publicity campaigns. You can download or listen to the @30 minute podcast by clicking here.

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Syria protest banner

Great Antiwar Protest At White House During Obama Speech

Leftists, Code Pink, and a smattering of conservatives and libertarians staged a vociferous protest outside the White House while President Obama made his Syria speech this afternoon. The police forcibly cleared the street (though not the sidewalk) shortly before Obama began talking. Some folks suggested that Obama might have delayed his speech because of the […]

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Nixon’s Resignation & the Era of Lawless Presidents

This is the anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974. Nixon knew that his defense was doomed and chose to throw in the towel without a Senate trial. But President Gerald Ford compounded the damage from Nixon’s presidency when he issued a sweeping pardon of Nixon that practically condemned future generations of Americans to […]

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Bush’s Forgotten Fabrications on Iraq War

On this tenth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, here are a couple pieces I wrote shortly before and after Bush attacked Iraq. I had thought that Bush’s rascalities would evoke a much stronger backlash than actually occurred. The mainstream media was occasionally willing to print pieces opposing the war or calling out […]

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Memorial Day Reflections and Revisionism

from the August issue of Freedom Daily (posted online last week) Memorial Day Reflections and Revisionism by James Bovard, On Memorial Day, the media do their usual sacralizing of war. Instead, it should be a day for the ritualized scourging of politicians. During the last 60 years, their lies have resulted in the unnecessary deaths […]

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