Author Archive | Jim

Ron Paul: Toppling Political Idols and Changing American Politics

As someone who was born in Iowa, I’m pleased to see many Iowans flocking to support Ron Paul. The Washington Post has a tut-tutting front-page story today complaining that Paul’s 45-minute stump speech “outlines a view of the world so bleak it would make Chicken Little sound like an optimist.” It is not surprising that […]

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“Was James Bovard Bit By a Mailman as a Child?”

The headline was the opening sentence of a letter written to the Los Angeles Times. The writer, Jim Washburn, was so upset that the Times clipped that first sentence from his published response that he posted it on his blog. He commented: “A few days previous, they’d run an op-ed piece by some blowhard named […]

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Obama’s Dictatorial Assassination Program

Future of Freedom Foundation Freedom Daily, October 2011 (posted online 12/23/11) Obama’s Dictatorial Assassination Program by James Bovard The Obama administration now claims the authority to kill American citizens without a trial, without notice, and without any chance for targets to legally object. The “targeted killing” program of George W. Bush’s administration has been radically […]

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Wall Street Journal: “Confessions of a One-Season Santa Claus”

< from Thursday's Wall Street Journal editorial page– Confessions of a One-Season Santa by James Bovard When I asked one girl what she wanted for Christmas, she gritted her teeth: ‘I want you to leave.’ In the fall of 1977, I moved to Boston seeking literary triumphs and intellectual stimulation. As a 21-year-old college dropout […]

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Good News: Americans Finally Recognize Congressmen as Rascals

From an interview today with Press TV: The historical low approval rating of Congress signals that most Americans may be finally paying attention to the ‘dishonesty’ of Congress, according to James Bovard of The Future of Freedom Foundation. “More Americans may finally be paying attention to what Congress is doing. I’ve been surprised for decades […]

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