Dead: A War Criminal, a Liar, and a Director of the Washington Post – McNamara

In its obituary article on Robert McNamara today, the Washington Post mentions that McNamara was a director of the Washington Post company.

Was that honor bestowed because of McNamara’s lies or because of his war crimes?

Or maybe he was just a really really great dinner guest at the homes of Post editors and owners.

And people wonder why the Washington Post grovels and helps cover up Leviathan’s worst abuses….


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4 Responses to Dead: A War Criminal, a Liar, and a Director of the Washington Post – McNamara

  1. Dirk W. Sabin July 6, 2009 at 2:59 pm #

    The Washington Post is far from alone in this sunbeam for the drunken leviathan routine. The N.Y. Times, television news, etc etc etc…the 4th Estate is now reduced, under the New Math of Empire to the 3 1/3 Estate, the training wheel used by the other branches to convey whatever myth or howler might be needed on any given day.

    The Separation of Powers is now the Saturation of Powers, congealed into one fetid slough but made fragrant by an American Flag Pine Tree Scent . Perhaps this is why we have the snappy new edifice down there called the “Newseum”, a monument to a dead art. Maybe they could open up an electioneum next door.

  2. Jerry July 6, 2009 at 3:11 pm #

    At the very least, he admitted to being a war criminal in the film “Fog of War”, but only for his actions during World War II, he didn’t say anything about being a war criminal during Vietnam…


  1. McNamara: A War Criminal, a Liar, and a Director of the Washington Post company « Blog - July 6, 2009

    […] In its obituary article on Robert McNamara today, the Washington Post mentions that McNamara was a director of the Washington Post company. […]

  2. July 7, 2009 « Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? - July 7, 2009

    […] In its obituary article on Robert McNamara today, the Washington Post mentions that McNamara was a director of the Washington Post company. […]