Biased but very funny….
from cartoonist Barry Deutsch:
[h/t Lew Rockwell blog]
“A democratic government that respects
no limits on its power is a ticking time bomb,
waiting to destroy the rights
it was created to protect.”
Biased but very funny….
from cartoonist Barry Deutsch:
[h/t Lew Rockwell blog]
I can’t help but admit that I do know libertarians like those in the cartoon, so it is funny.
Of course a similar cartoon could be drawn for statists. Or, indeed, any belief system in existence.
If you see a good cartoon tweaking the types of Statists, let me know – I’d be more than happy to post it.
I was disappointed there was a specific type of Redneck Libertarian.
This cartoon purports to be a lefty cartoon, but I think it was actually produced by someone in the Libertarian Reform Caucus. They are generally statists in disguise who advocate good government and claim to possess vast knowledge of what voters prefer in candidates. Reformers often portray their Libertarian Party comrades in the same light as this cartoon – or worse.
I find this cartoon sort of depressing on several levels. First, because it is true. Second, because the cartoonist (among many others) supposes statism is a superior philosophy. But mostly because it reinforces my belief that political assholes I don’t like will never just go away and mind their own business. It is curious how the “reformer” libertarian is not presented among the partial list of 24 (there are at least 57 varieties).
Tom, excellent points.
Hmmm…. What would a drawing of someone from the Libertarian Reform Caucus look like?
This cartoon left out several good examples, so let’s suggest a few of these lacunae, eh? How about the libertarians who hire out their children to pay the mortgage? And those who prowl the neighborhood looking for road-kill for the stew pot (secret’s out, Jim, sorry). And I’m selling one of my wife’s kidneys to purchase a new Prius. Come on, let’s have at it!
A libertarian driving a Prius????
That shatters all the stereotypes.
Jim, I thought it would seem excessive if I admitted that I was swapping her kidney for a Porsche.
You know damn well there isn’t one LP “Reformista” who could draw a compelling stick figure let alone conceive and execute an actual work of art. If they had any goddamn talent or connections, they’d already made it in the GOP by now.
Angela is right, however we can’t discount the possibility that the cartoon was paid for by a secret Republican pretending to be a libertarian reformer posing as a lefty. This cartoon propaganda stuff gets complicated.
What would a drawing of someone from the Libertarian Reform Caucus look like?
They would look normal – so extremely normal that there is an abnormal quality to them. I’m thinking along the lines of a Bob Dobbs looking guy without the pipe. Angela might be able to shed some light on this matter as she has actually seen them up close. They creep me out so much, I have trouble even looking at photographs of them.
Yes, have been amongst them. Been working on and off on a screen play about that period of my life. It’s either that, therapy or lobotomy.
I can think of one or two of that ilk who provide perfect vivid characters for a good farce.
Each cartoon is just a simple-minded LIE about a libertarian position. I really don’t understand those who think systematic LIBEL is funny. Many people are here and there influenced by libertarianism and therefore inconsistent. That says nothing about libertarianism as a philosophy.
As I mentioned in the lead-in to this blog entry, I recognize that the cartoonist is “biased.”
On the flipside, the cartoonist did accurately capture the liberal/left view of libertarians. And he earned a few laughs with some of his word choices and drawings…
Yes, it really IS funny. Yes, there are individuals like those caricatured, but, yes, they don’t represent the entire movement.
For a refreshing antidote, please check out the works of Randy Hylkema and Chuck Muir, to be found on the ‘Net, and look up John Trever, cartoonist for the Albuquerque. And, of course, the great Baloo, Rex May, to be found in Liberty and so many other places. Brilliant and talented, all of them.
The Libertarian Rebuttal
The 24 types of Authoritarian